That 'Too Faced' Glow

Saturday, 13 April 2013

One thing - amongst many - that I've always been especially self-conscious about, is my very fair skin.  When I was younger, I spent many hours trying to achieve that 'ever so natural' - yet completely fake - sun-kissed, beautiful brown glow.  I don't think I ever really achieved it.  If I tried to do it the natural way, I'd end up burnt and if I tried to get it from a bottle, I'd end up orange!

Well, as I've gotten older, I've managed to come to terms with the fact that I am just plain fair, and there's not a whole lot I can do about it.  Because of how fair I am, I've always shied away from using bronzers.  However, a while ago on a trip into town, I found myself being talked into trialling one of Kit Cosmetics' beautiful bronze options.

The one I tried was the Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder.  The makeup artist explained to me that for skin as fair as mine, the key is really to use a small amount and blend, blend, blend!

I was so pleasantly surprised by this gorgeous powder.  The tiniest amount, blended thoroughly into my skin, created a soft - yet noticeable - glow.  Of course I walked away with this nifty little discovery in my shopping bag, and I've loved it ever since!

The best part - it's made with real cocoa powder!  It smells divine, and although I haven't tried it - I'm told it tastes equally amazing!

Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzing Powder by Kit Cosmetics RRP: $43.95
Photo courtesy of
Kit Cosmetics products can be purchased from various locations, including some Myer stores and online at

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