Pamper Yourself On a Budget

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Recently, because of my current situation health-wise, my fiancee and I have been struggling with finances.  Therefore, we've had to cut back on many of life's little luxuries - including skincare and makeup products.  I've never been a particularly high maintenance type of girl in that regard, but still, we girls all have our favourite products that make us feel beautiful right?

So, this past year I've really been buying the bare minimum when it comes to makeup etc. (well, except for my recently developed nail polish obsession)!  But if there's one thing I've learnt during this past year and everything I've been through with my depression and anxiety issues, it's that we all need to take time out for ourselves one way or another.  Maybe I can't afford to spend a day at a spa, or go for an amazing massage, but it's still important to me (and my skin), that at least once a week I have a little pamper session - just for me!

So I thought I'd share with you a few of the products I've been using lately - they are all very affordable, very basic and very kind to the skin.

From left to right: Formula 10.0.6 One Smooth Operator Pore Cleansing Face Scrub, Formula 10.0.6 Be Pure Skin-Clarifying Mud Mask, T.N. Dickinson's All Natural Witch Hazel, Sukin Sensitive Facial Moisturiser

I've been using all of these for my little pamper nights.  Firstly, after a lovely hot bath (or shower) I exfoliate my face with the Formula 10.0.6 One Smooth Operator Pore Cleansing Face Scrub.  It smells great and exfoliates beautifully without being too harsh on the skin.  My skin is ultra sensitive and exfoliating will often result in a very red and blotchy face.  But with this one, I haven't had an issue - it cleans thoroughly, but is so lovely and gentle.

Once I've done that, I apply the Formula 10.0.6 Be Pure Skin-Clarifying Mud Mask and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.  I love this mask, it goes on easily and it smells of Strawberry & Yarrow - beautiful!  These are around the $9.00 mark at Priceline, but I was lucky and purchased them as a set with a nice discount!

After rinsing off the mask, I use T.N. Dickinson's All Natural Witch Hazel to tone.  I have used this for years - budget or no budget - and it's so amazing!  It's all natural, very gentle and really tightens up the pores after cleansing.  This can be purchased at any pharmacy and most supermarkets for around $6.50 a bottle.

Finally, I moisturise with Sukin Sensitive Facial Moisturiser.  I like to apply this really generously before bed, because it soaks in really well and leaves my skin feeling amazing!  I purchased this from Priceline for $9.99.

Not only are they affordable on a budget, but I genuinely enjoy using all of these products.  The most important thing, is to take the time out to make ourselves feel good once in a while.  Whether it's a pamper evening, doing your nails or just taking some time to sit and read a good book.  Whatever it may be, we all need to make time to spoil ourselves in order to stay sane in this stressful world.

S ☓

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  1. Again thanks for these great recommendations, being on a budget myself but still waiting to keep up with my skincare routine I've been a bit stumped with what to buy beyond my usual cleanser/toner/moisturiser/eye cream routine (for all of these I usually use Avon products), But I've been wanting to find a reasonably priced face mask, so will have to get the Formula 10.0.6 mask next time I go to Priceline.

    1. Definitely give it a go Michelle. It's cheap but it's the best mask I've tried so far. It smells beautiful too! ☓

  2. That's an extra bonus that it smells nice too hehe, the ones I've used tend to have a weird smell for some reason (the more pricey ones I've tried too).

  3. Definitely keen to try the Sukin facial moisturizer now!

    Hope you are feeling well x

    1. Thanks Diana :)
      I hope you enjoy the moisturizer if you decide to try it! x


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S ☓