Re-Gen Oil Vs. Bio-Oil Review

Friday, 11 July 2014

Recently, whilst doing my weekly grocery shop in Aldi, I walked past the toiletries shelf and noticed what looked like a bottle of Bio-Oil staring back at me.  I did a double take, because Bio-Oil has been on my shopping list for quite some time, however it is on the expensive side and I just haven't been able to afford it.

I picked up the bottle and realised it was actually a product called Re-Gen Oil, but it was very obviously a dupe for the well known stretch mark treatment.  The price was around $8 for a 125ml bottle, so considering that a bottle of Bio-Oil the same size is closer to the $20 mark, I decided to pick up a bottle and give it a try.

I am by no means an expert in skincare, so a lot of the "sciency" stuff tends to go over my head, but I did notice in comparing the two bottles, that the ingredients list is certainly very similar.  Both products contain the same four essential oils - lavender, rosemary, chamomile and calendula, as well as the same vitamins - A and E.  They both use similar carrier oils, however the Re-Gen Oil has a lot less synthetic fragrances.

I've been using the Re-Gen Oil for around two months now.  I use it every day after my shower, and I can honestly say I am already noticing a difference in my stretch marks.  They are certainly not gone, however they are significantly less noticeable than they were two months ago.  I have also been applying the oil to a few small scars I have from my recent surgery.  I have not noticed so much of a difference with the scars, but perhaps they will take a little longer, I'm still holding out hope.

All in all, I'm really impressed with the Re-Gen Oil as a dupe, and at less than half the price of the original Bio-Oil, I'll definitely be repurchasing!
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  1. Doesn't sound too bad as dupe like you said, my favourite oil for stretch marks is actually Johnsons baby oil but this looks good too for not to much money! xxx

  2. I have been using bio oil for the past 5 months and it works amazing. Now that im pregnant i have little signs of stretched marks because i started back using bio oil instead of cocoa butter

  3. I dont really understand how you can justify a review for one oil vs another when you havent even used the main one.

    Thanks anyway

  4. hi i was just wondering if you know whether it will work on my oily acne prone face as i have a couple of acne scars that i just really want to get rid of


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