My Hair Disaster

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I've been wanting to get my hair cut & re-coloured for a while now, but being broke I've been putting it off.  So, this week I decided I'd go back to the old 'do it yourself' method of using a box dye off the shelf.  Big mistake!

I used to dye my own hair all the time - and never had a problem - so I thought why not save the money?  So, off I went to the shop to find the perfect colour.  I chose a Loreal Preference ash blonde colour, thinking that I'd be safest with an ashy colour, because my hair tends to go quite brassy.

Once I finished the process and rinsed out the product, I was excited to see the results.  I looked in the mirror, and even though my hair was still wet, I could tell it wasn't right.  Sure enough, as I dried it off I realised - it was grey!  Not just a little bit grey - it was old lady, witch GREY with blonde patches!

I quickly turned to Google to see what I could find as a quick fix.  I came across a recipe for this problem, which was three parts lemon juice, to one part conditioner.  I decided to give it a shot, after all it couldn't get much worse.  I applied the mixture, left it on for an hour as per the directions, and then rinsed it out thoroughly.  The grey was gone!  It was completely gone and the blonde had evened out.  Lemons became my new heroes!

The only problem I then had, was that the remaining blonde was very brassy - almost orange, yuck!  Still better than grey, but not ideal.  So, back to Google I went.

I found some great reviews for a blonde toner by Schwarzkopf, so I decided to head over to Priceline and pick it up.  It was around the $6.00 mark, so I figured as a last resort before running to the hairdresser, it was worth a try.  That toner was a lifesaver!  It took all of the brassy, orange colour out of my hair and left me with a far more natural looking blonde.

After everything I went through over the past few days where my hair is concerned - I'm actually, surprisingly happy with the end result.

We all have to live and learn, right? x
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  1. I think the result is lovely. I feel your pain on hair disasters though, I've certainly had my fair share, lol


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