Hope And Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes Review

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

A while ago when I was at my worst, I was lent this book.  I didn't realise how popular it was, as I had never heard of it myself.  But as it turns out, Hope And Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes, seems to be somewhat of an iconic book among sufferers of depression - and in particular, anxiety.

So I read it cover to cover and in turn, ended up going out and buying my own copy.

Hope And Help For Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes

The book is based mostly on four simple techniques for breaking the cycle of panic and anxiety.

Face your feelings - instead of running from them.  Accept the feelings and/or sensations - this is probably the most important part, but also the hardest.  Let unsettling thoughts "float", and accept them as what they are - just thoughts.  And lastly, let time pass and keep reinforcing the first three points - don't get discouraged when these feelings return.

For anyone suffering an anxiety disorder, these points are far easier said than done.  But if we take the time to really soak in the information Dr Weekes provides in this book, I think it can really be beneficial.

Recovery from any kind of emotional or nervous disorder is tough.  It's a long, difficult and upsetting journey, which only those of us who have been there can possibly understand.  In truth, I'm not entirely sure that we can ever really be cured from these things.  But using resources provided and taking in information, such as what is on offer in books like this one, can certainly provide some reassurance and help.

S ☓
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  1. I have this book too Steph :) I was recommended it. I haven't read it yet though, but what you described about facing the feelings and sensations, its true - anxiety wont go away by itself, it has to be confronted. Its only hard at first, after getting to know the inner self you wonder why you felt it was so difficult in the first place, but its all fear - fear of the unknown and fear of what you *might find out* about yourself. All irrational stuff from start to finish.. but it must be confronted. Anxiety will never just vanish, you have to accept and allow the fearful sensations and thoughts, let them flow and dont attach. attachment is what causes the suffering...

    1. I agree, it's so difficult but so important to try not to attach or cling to the anxiety, but rather to accept it and let it be. If only it were as easy as it sounds.

    2. the thing is, it is difficult when taking any sort of synthetic substance because they inflame emotions; its like trying to do Calculus maths with someone kicking you in the head. Still would do it anyway because any kind of understanding of emotions and thought-patterns is immensely worthwhile, but doing it whilst on meds is very hard. Unless its at the start when they actually work for a bit, then they can be helpful - to a degree. But there is no other way to defeat anxiety - it has to be confronted, i suffered panic attacks for over a decade, every day, didnt stop until the anxiety was directly confronted. Paradoxically the power lies in allowing the emotions to be and not attaching; the ego has a tendency to attach attach attach to every thought. thats what happens, all the time, and we arent aware of it. the trick is to become aware. there is no other easy way out.

  2. I need a book like that, nice blog
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    1. Thanks for following Joyce! I will head over and check yours out right now ☓

    2. Hi Joyce, just letting you know that I did try to view your blog but it seems to be private as it won't let me view ☓

  3. It may even happen that we might take these symptoms as malfunctioning of our heart or even a heart attack. This is mainly due to the similarities between the symptoms of the panic and heart attacks.

    Panic attack symptoms


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S ☓