Clean Eating Plan

Sunday, 4 August 2013

This week I have started a new eating plan, in a bid to lose weight and get healthy.  I'm so sick of feeling bad about myself and not feeling well, it's time to start making changes and feeling better!
I've been trying to lose weight on and off for a while, but I always seem to lose a kilo or two and then lose motivation.  But more importantly, I have had various health issues over the years and really, I just don't feel good!  It occurred to me that I'm at a point in my life - planning my wedding and wanting to start a family in the next few years - where I really just want to feel better and be as healthy as I can be.  Maybe my diet won't fix everything, but it's sure to help at least a little bit, so I decided to look into a clean eating plan.

Clean eating is basically just about trying to eat fresh, whole and natural foods - wherever possible - that haven't been processed or altered artificially.
I have heard a lot of good things about the Ashy Bines Clean Eating program, so I thought that would be a good place to start.  So this week, I've been using Ashy's recipes to create my own little eating plan.  So far, I'm really loving the food!  I thought I would have to stick to it under sufferance - but the food is actually really lovely!
To give you an example of the meal plan, here is my food diary from yesterday:
Breakfast: Ashy's Clean Banana & Strawberry Smoothie - with natural yoghurt and a pinch of cinnamon for flavour
Lunch: Mixed salad with green olives, cheese, bean sprouts and mushrooms, with a dash of balsamic vinegar
Dinner: Ashy's Clean Baked Fish with steamed green beans, broccoli and carrot
Snacks: Fresh fruit, green tea and Ashy's Clean Peanut Butter & Banana Cookies
I really like this plan so far and I'm looking forward to experimenting with more recipes.  I'm ready to feel better about myself, and I really hope this will help!  I am also a big fan of the My Fitness Pal app, which I'm using to keep track of my calorie intake and exercise to help with weight loss.
I'd love to hear from you if you have tried this plan, or something similar - so please do contact me if you'd like to share your experience! 
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  1. Eating clean is so much more effective than fad diets, good for you!

    Cat x



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