Featured Blogger: Meet Michelle From Thou Shalt Not Covet

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Recently, I was fortunate enough to speak with Michelle from Thou Shalt Not Covet - a gorgeous blog about all things beauty, fashion and lifestyle - my faves!  I've really been enjoying reading through Michelle's posts and have quickly become a fan.  Michelle was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions to share with you all.  So here they are, I hope you enjoy and please do check out Thou Shalt Not Covet at http://thoushaltnotcovet.net/

Hi Michelle, I've really been loving your blog - the layout is beautiful and the content is lovely!  What made you start up 'Thou Shalt Not Covet'?

Thank you! I've recently had the layout updated by Peaches and Cream Designs, I'm so happy with it! I started my blog because I've always loved fashion and I have so much makeup I'm running out of room for it! I've been reading blogs for a long time so I thought it would be fun to start my own!

That's great - and you obviously have the talent for it!  I noticed you're getting married - congratulations!  I am also in the process of planning my wedding.  When is the big day?  And do you have any tips for preparing for it?
Ahh thank you! Its 14th September - not long to go! I'm not the most organised person so I've definitely found using a wedding planner has helped. Also I'd highly recommend delegating jobs to bridesmaids and anyone else you can get to help!
Oh wow, so not long now!  I think delegating is definitely a great tip!  Okay, so if you had to choose one all time favourite beauty item, what would it be?
I use eyeliner every day and can't survive without foundation, but I'd say my favourite item has to be lipstick. I always feel fabulous when I wear a gorgeous lipstick. Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dragon Girl is my all time favourite!
Sounds beautiful, I think I'll have to look out for that one!  Finally, do you have any advice to give other aspiring bloggers on how to achieve their goals?
Well it depends what your goals are really. For general advice though I have three tips!
1. Speak from the heart, be honest and be yourself.
2. Buy the best camera you can afford. Great pictures count for a lot.
3. Enjoy yourself and have fun!
I love that!  Such great advice, and you are definitely doing all of the above judging by how lovely your blog is!  Thank you so much for chatting with me, Michelle!  I wish you all the very best, both personally and for Thou Shalt Not Covet
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